Receptor Cells

Concept Explanation

Receptor Cells

How do we feel a hot or cold object? How do we feel pain? Why do different things have different smells and tastes? There are thousands of receptor cells in our sense organs. They detect stimuli such as heat, cold, pain, smells and tastes. There are different types of receptors such as algesireceptors (for pain), tangoreceptors (for touch), gustatoreceptors (for taste), olfactoreceptors (for smell), and so on.

The stimulus received by a receptor is passed on in the form of electrical signals through the dendrites of a neuron to the cyton of the neuron. The cyton transmits only strong impulses. Weak impulses are not further transmitted. An impulse passed on by the cyton travels along the axon of the neuron. When it reaches the end of the axon, it causes the axon bulb to release a chemical which diffuses across the synapse and stimulates the dendrites of the adjacent neuron. These dendrites in turn send electrical signals to their cell body, to be carried along the axon. In this way, the sensation from the receptor is passed on to the brain or spinal cord. A signal from the brain is similarly passed on to the effector, which carries out the appropriate response.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Olfactory receptor organs are sensitive for ________________

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

The stimulus received by a receptor is passed on in the form of _________________ signals through the dendrites of a neuron to the cyton of the neuron.

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

The photoreceptor cells of the eye are located in the _______________

Right Option : C
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